A potent & powerful oil

Oregano is one essential oil that I believe everyone should have in their medicine cabinet. Read on to find out why…

What is oregano essential oil?

Oregano is a plant native to higher altitudes, usually found growing in the mountains. It is more commonly known as a spice for cooking, however the concentrated oil of oregano is sought after in many cultures for its powerful, healing properties. The oil is extracted from the fresh oregano leaves through a process called steam distillation.

Oregano essential oil has many medicinal properties. When I discovered essential oils for therapeutic uses, oregano’s powerful properties greatly surprised me. It seemed like this oil was too good to be true! When I began to use it for myself, I realized it really was an oil that lives up to its reputation.

How should I use oregano essential oil?

Aromatically, topically (diluted only) or take internally in a capsule (email me to learn how to make your own!)

Respiratory health

Oregano essential oil will help to loosen up or eliminate the uncomfortable buildup of mucus in the respiratory tracts and sinuses. It is also a soothing balm for inflamed lungs and the throat, which often stimulate coughing attacks.

  • Dilute with about a teaspoon of carrier oil and rub it topically over the chest.

Protect yourself against a variety of bacterial, viral and fungal issues with a natural & gentle approach

Oregano is extremely powerful and effective against issues such as: Staph, MRSA, E. Coli, Intestinal parasites or worms, warts, Strep throat, canker sores, pneumonia, tuberculosis, UTI, athlete’s foot, candida, and more!

This is the most effective oil when you feel unwell and your body is being invaded.

  • Take in an empty capsule immediately when you feel the symptom. Only 1-3 drops at a time! I take it in a capsule WITH FOOD about three times a day until I feel better.  
  • Because Oregano is so powerful, Dr. Axe suggests taking it no longer than 2 weeks at a time. Read his article .
  • To apply topically, dilute 1 drop per teaspoon of carrier oil (I like fractionated coconut oil) and apply over the area of concern.  *DO NOT apply this oil over broken skin or an open wound.

Because of oregano’s complex chemical composition, is does not harm the healthy, flora in your intestines so your body will not have the “down time” to recover as it would from an antibiotic. In addition, oregano’s complex chemical composition prevents harmful bacteria from building a resistance to it.

Ease a sore throat

  • Simply mix a few drops of oregano with a little raw honey and water and gargle. It can help alleviate toothache as well.

Naturally relieve pain

Oregano contains beta-caryophyllin which inhibits inflammation and may also be beneficial for conditions like carpal tunnel, rheumatism and osteoporosis.

  • Apply topically by diluting 1 drop per teaspoon of carrier oil and apply over the painful area for comfort. *DO NOT apply this oil over broken skin or an open wound.

Emotional balance

Oregano has a very interesting emotional benefit. Experts say it helps to teach a person non-attachment especially with an ego or headstrong personality. It may help a person to reduce harmful forms of pride or the constant need to be right. It may allow a person to release and engage in the “flow of life” without the common interferences of the mind getting in the way.

  • Dilute and apply to the bottoms of the feet

Complimentary oils

Thyme, basil, Lemongrass, geranium, lemon and clove.

Warnings & usage

Oregano is considered a “warm” oil and could cause skin irritation. It should always be diluted when applying topically. Avoid topical & internal use of oregano on babies. Dilute 1 drop per 1 Tablespoon carrier oil for toddlers and older kids. Oregano essential oil should be avoided during pregnancy or use extreme caution. *Always consult your medical professional before using oregano essential oil. As with all essential oils, keep out of the eyes, ears, or nose. 

“The most therapeutically beneficial is the oil produced from wild oregano or origanum vulgare that is native to Mediterranean regions. Beware, though, as many of the oregano oils sold in grocery stores are not made from this variety, and may have little to no therapeutic value.”Dr. Mercola

Not all oils are created equal. Contact me to find out what brand I trust that has the most therapeutic benefit. jana@beautifulremedy.com

Interesting facts about oregano essential oil

Oregano is indigenous to high elevations, growing in mountainous areas. This is how it got the name “Oregano”, which means “Delight of the Mountains”.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used oregano as an antiseptic for treating respiratory and digestive diseases.


How do you use oregano essential oil? Post a comment below!


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.








(2016) Dr. Josh Axe (with Jordan Rubin & Ty Bollinger) Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine

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