Homemade Natural Deodorant

For years now, I’ve been making deodorant for my husband and myself. A while back, I posted a deodorant recipe and explained why it’s a good idea to make your own without the harmful chemicals that is added to most conventional deodorants. I also listed the top harmful ingredients to stay away from. If you haven’t read my original post you can CLICK HERE.

 While the original batch worked great, I noticed on some days I was re-applying it more than I wanted to. So, with each new batch, I would experiment. I tried using different essential oils, adding shea butter and even beeswax. (Adding shea butter or beeswax was a big thumb’s down, both made the deodorant much less effective.)

Some batches worked great for my husband, but not for me and then some worked great for me, but not my husband. I didn’t want to make two different batches so I had to narrow it down to what worked for both of us.

As I played around with each batch, I began to realize that the big difference was which essential oils I used. I also tried adding one of my favorite detoxifying ingredients, activated charcoal. It made sense to me that this would be a beneficial ingredient to add. You see, activated charcoal contains tiny pores that attract and eliminate impurities and toxins from your skin. (It also works great for teeth, hair and the digestive tract, but that’s a different blog…)

As it turns out, activated charcoal works REALLY well to help eliminate odor in this recipe!

Finally, I am happy to say that, with the new ingredient and a new combination of pure essential oils, both my husband and I can use this formulation without reapplying throughout the day.

I hope this new recipe will work for you too. Give it a try! I would love to hear your feedback, so if you do try it, please let me know and leave a comment below.

Here’s to healthy bodies and smelling fresh!

Ingredients I used for this recipe:

Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil, Virgin, 78 Ounce
Organic Arrowroot Powder (Flour) – by Feel Good Organics
Hardwood Activated Charcoal Powder 100% from USA Trees 8 oz


Natural Homemade Deodorant (Improved recipe!)
You will need
  1. 1/2 cup unrefined virgin coconut oil
  2. 1/4 cup arrowroot powder
  3. 3/4 tablespoon baking soda
  4. 1/2 teaspoon activated charcoal powder*
Essential oils
  1. peppermint 8 drops
  2. tangerine 8 drops
  3. bergamot 8 drops
  4. lemongrass 5 drops
  5. melaleuca (tea tree) 10 drops
  6. lavender 8 drops
  7. rosemary 6 drops
  1. Combine all ingredients together and mash with a fork until well blended and smooth. If the mixture is too runny, place in the refrigerator or a cool place to harden a bit. This deodorant should maintain a paste consistency so it's best stored at room temperature in a glass container with a lid. To apply, simply use your fingers to rub a small amount onto your underarm area.
  2. Both my husband and I find that this new formula last all day long, however, you can apply this as often as you need to.
  1. *Use less charcoal if the recipe is too dark. Use more if it's too light. The color should be a light grey.
  2. Tip: For a more firm deodorant and hands free application, you can fill an empty deodorant tube with this paste and keep in the refrigerator.
Beautiful Remedy LLC https://www.beautifulremedy.com/

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