The restorative & multi-purpose oil

Frankincense is one of my most favorite oils because you can practically use it for everything! I have heard it said, “when in doubt, use frankincense” and it is true. Many times I have used this oil as a last resort and to my surprise, it works very well!

The other week, my son had an awful sickness that caused him to lose his voice and have terrible wheezing in his chest. I ran a diffuser with essential oils to support his respiratory system, right next to his bed. This helped and made a huge difference, but the wheezing was still there. As a last resort, I grabbed the frankincense and mixed a couple drops with a little fractionated coconut oil and rubbed the mixture onto his chest. Within 30 minutes or so, his wheezing became less and less until it stopped! I was amazed.

What is Frankincense oil?

Frankincense, also known as boswellia frereana, comes from the boswellia sacra or boswellia carteri tree. This tree grows in very dry and desolate climates like Somalia and Oman.

The oil is harvested from the sap or resin from the tree. The tree is punctured and the sap is allowed to “weap” and dry before it is scraped off and sent to the distillery.

Frankincense has rich history especially among Christians. It was one of the gifts the magi brought to baby Jesus. This oil has been highly valued in many cultures because of its powerful healing properties.

How should I use Frankincense oil?

Apply topically, diffuse or take internally.

When applying topically, dilute one drop with about a teaspoon of carrier oil. Think of Frankincense like gold! One drop at a time is all you need.

To support your body: cancer cells and tumors*

Frankincense might represent an alternative to cancer treatments*. There is very compelling evidence rising in medical studies that Frankincense has the ability to cause cell death and activate the genes that are responsible for cell regeneration and healing. Read one of the published studies here HERE.

Dr. Josh Axe also has a fantastic article explaining how Frankincense can be a natural treatment for cancer. Read his article HERE.

  • To support your body and improve cellular function: take Frankincense internally in a capsule or massage over the affected area.
  • Dr. Eric Zielinski gives some usage recommendations at the end of his article HERE.

For mental health, focus and clarity

Frankincense oil greatly supports our brain health and using it every day can help support proper brain function. It contains sesquiterpenes, which enables it to go beyond the blood-brain barrier. Because of its calming and stress relieving effect, frankincense can help if you are prone to mood swings and stress.

Frankincense also helps to promote focus and concentration. Some professors even use it to help students during testing! It has long been used in religious practices to promote focus during meditation and prayer.

  • For daily brain support: apply a drop to the back of the neck near the base of the skull, diffuse into the air, or take a drop internally in water or an empty capsule. It can also be taken by applying a drop to your thumb and rubbing it onto the soft pallet on the roof of your mouth.
  • Promote concentration & focus: diffuse into the air or apply the back of the neck.
  • Support and balance your emotions: apply a drop onto your pulse points, take in an empty capsule or diffuse into the air to help.

For immune and respiratory support

Frankincense provides powerful immune support and, like I experienced with my son, it helps to clear airways when congestion is present.

  • For daily immune support: Rub a drop onto your chest, take a drop under the tongue, in water or in an empty capsule, diffuse into the air.
  • For respiratory support: Rub a drop onto the chest and diffuse into the air.

To help with pain & wound healing

Frankincense has natural anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to help with occasional aches and pains. This oil also has incredible healing components, helping to speed the healing process in wounds.

  • For mild pain: Rub on topically over the area of concern.
  • For more intense or internal pain: Take a drop in a capsule often throughout the day. Also rub a drop over the area of concern.
  • For minor cuts and scrapes: Mix one drop with fractionated coconut oil and apply directly over the wound. Repeat this several times during the day to help speed healing, provide protection from foreign invaders, support skin regeneration and prevent scars.

Promote skin health

Because Frankincense helps to heal and regenerate skin, it is an excellent choice to prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, pigmentation and aging skin.

  • For skin rejuvenation and wrinkle prevention: Apply topically every day. You can mix a drop into your moisturizer or facial oil. TIP- always apply your moisturizer first, then facial oil last.
  • To prevent scars and stretch marks: Mix one drop of Frankincense and one drop of Myrrh with a carrier oil and apply topically every day.
  • To lighten sun damage, brown spots and melasma: Apply topically, morning and night, directly on the pigmented areas (without dilution). You will need less than a drop for this. What I like to do is simply place my finger onto the top of the opened oil bottle. You should get a little oil on your finger that way, then rub it onto the pigmented areas. This is something you need to be consistent with to see results. Also, applying sunscreen and staying out of the sun will give you better success for lightening pigmentation and brown spots.



Complimentary oils

Myrrh, Sandalwood, Lavender, and Citrus oils.

Important to know

As with any oil, it’s a good idea to do a spot test on your skin for any irritations or sensitivities. The inside of your elbow is a good place to spot test.

Frankincense is safe for internal use if you are using the right brand! (email me for the brand I recommend)

“You must also remember that not all frankincense oil

brands are made for internal use, so make sure you

check the label before taking it.” – Dr. Mercola

Ingesting this oil is not recommended for children under age 6. Older children and teens may also require higher dilutions.

Cool facts about Frankincense

Between 1000 BC and 400 BC, Arabia was the center of a profitable spice trade route. Frankincense was by far the biggest trade commodity and brought great wealth to Arabia. This trade route stretched about 2,000 miles from Omar to Petra (that’s like from LA to Chicago!) and was known as the frankincense trail. Modern satellite images still show faint marks on the ground of this highly traveled trail (Modern Essentials, 2014).


For more information on how you can use this fantastic oil and to learn what brand I recommend, contact me at

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What is your favorite way to use Frankincense? I would love to hear!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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